Case Study: LaunchMe First Nations Program

Case Study: LaunchMe First Nations Program

Mark is a Ngarrindjeri man who wanted to share the history and knowledge of local Tribes with others. Mark began working with Brett, LaunchMe First Nations Coach and through a willingness to listen and good timing, Mark and Brett were able to get the project on track and put a plan in place. This was the commencement of Kula-Tind-Jeri, or Kool Tours, – a business that provides authentic Aboriginal tours, highlighting attractions and cultural heritage.

For Mark, this was only the beginning. He still had a lot of ideas and a lot of knowledge to share. Working again with Brett and through discussions with one of South Australia’s State History Curriculum Advisers, Mark designed a session specifically aligned with Year 10 History’s ‘Rights and Freedoms’ topic, which is compulsory for all Year 10 history students.

The objective was not to re-explain historical legislation, but for Mark to tell stories that demonstrate their impact on Mark’s extended family and the Ngarrindjeri people. This is a powerful and personal truth telling experience.

Mark soon discovered that with some clever product development, he was able to adapt the tools he and Brett had created to suit other educational and corporate purposes, leading to sustainable work for Mark and ongoing opportunities to share this important knowledge with others.

The presentations have been so successful that Mark has been asked to run additional sessions about Native Title for Year 11 Legal Studies students. Mark has been able to easily adapt his materials again more recently to incorporate an explanation of The Voice.

He credits the flexibility of the materials to the LaunchMe program delivered by Good Shepherd ANZ, SA Team.

Mark continues to run Kula-Tind-Jeri /Kool Tours offering authentic Aboriginal local heritage and bush food tours, as well as On-Country Cultural Awareness Training, school-based Rights and Freedoms presentations and Native Titles legal studies sessions.

“I had a lot of ideas all over the place but didn’t know how to shape them.” — Mark, participant of GSANZ LaunchMe First Nations Program

We cannot wait to see where else this venture will take Mark.

Click here to read more about the North Adelaide place-based FIAP.