Surf Coast Shire
The Surf Coast Shire is a local government area serving a population of 37,623 (2021).
It is home to eleven distinct townships: Aireys Inlet, Anglesea, Bellbrae, Deans Marsh, Fairhaven, Jan Juc, Lorne, Moriac, Freshwater Creek, Torquay, and Winchelsea.
Each of these townships has a keen sense of community, a unique identity, and a strong desire to protect and nurture the environment.
The Surf Coast is a major lifestyle and visitor destination that is among the fastest growing regional municipalities in Victoria and has undergone significant change over the past 15 years.
The Surf Coast Shire’s purpose is to help our community and environment thrive, with the community vision being “From the hinterland to the coast, from the first peoples to the children of the future, we are an active, diverse community that lives creatively to value, protect, and enhance the natural environment and our unique neighbourhoods. We will leave the Surf Coast better than we found it”.
One of our FIAP commitment is to opt into the Victorian Governments Best Start, Best Life Kindergarten Reforms to provide free kinder across all council kinder services. This program will also aim to support the additional employment of female kindergarten teachers within our region and further their own financial wellbeing.
To know more about Surf Coast Shire, visit their website here.