St Joseph’s College
As a Catholic school, St Joseph’s College aspires to form students’ hearts and minds to act with integrity and compassion within a learning culture that is engaging, rigorous, inclusive, and innovative and within which each student is challenged to achieve excellence. St Joseph’s College provides education to boys from year 7 – 12 within the Geelong Region and has a proud history that dates to 1935.
This history has included a focus on ensuring the school and our students work with those most in need. Through the work of the SJC Foundation, The Old Collegians Associations, individual donors, and annual giving campaigns we have and continue to work hard in providing opportunities for many young people within the region to attend the College, who may not have been able to attend the college due to financial hardship.
Joining the Geelong Region – FIAP was a natural extension for St Joseph’s College given our founder Edmund Rice had a vision to work with those most in need. Supporting families who are in financial hardship or face some form of disadvantage, by providing them an opportunity to send their young boys to our college through bursaries and support is at the heart of our education strategy”.
To know more about St Joseph’s College, visit their website here.