Most Foundation Action Plans have a 12-month duration. Build FIAPs have 2-3 year durations. For Foundation FIAPs, progress verification occurs at the end of the plan. Members self-assess the completion status of their actions, and collate evidence to show that outputs specified in their plan are now in place. EY will seek samples of evidence, […]
The FIAP program operates nationally across Australia, with place-based FIAPs in Geelong, Victoria, and Northern Adelaide, South Australia. Some FIAP organisations refer to actions of subsidiaries and related entities in other countries, as a sub-set of their Australian action plans.
FIAP is supported by membership fees, in addition to operational funding and support from Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand. The national program has previously received funding support from the Government of Australia – Department of Human Services, and the Ecstra Foundation. Place-Based programs have benefited from support from the Helen MacPherson Smith Trust, the Building […]
FIAP is run by a dedicated team at Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand. The program was established by a partnership group consisting of Good Shepherd Microfinance, the Department of Human Services, the Centre for Social Impact at UNSW, and EY. CSI and EY continue to provide program support for evaluation and progress verification.
FIAP members come from multiple sectors across Australia, including banking and finance, insurance, education, energy, not-for-profit, government, manufacturing and more. You can see a list of members on Our Members page.
A Financial Inclusion Action Plan. Organisations with FIAPs make public commitments to work on actions that will increase financial inclusion and financial wellbeing within their own sphere of influence. These can either be plans for one organisation, or part of a place-based action plan bringing tother multiple organisations. The plans are developed as part of […]