Who runs FIAP?

FIAP is run by a dedicated team at Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand. The program was established by a partnership group consisting of Good Shepherd Microfinance, the Department of Human Services, the Centre for Social Impact at UNSW, and EY. CSI and EY continue to provide program support for evaluation and progress verification.

Who has a FIAP?

FIAP members come from multiple sectors across Australia, including banking and finance, insurance, education, energy, not-for-profit, government, manufacturing and more. You can see a list of members on Our Members page.

What is a FIAP?

A Financial Inclusion Action Plan. Organisations with FIAPs make public commitments to work on actions that will increase financial inclusion and financial wellbeing within their own sphere of influence. These can either be plans for one organisation, or part of a place-based action plan bringing tother multiple organisations. The plans are developed as part of […]

What is financial inclusion?

Financial inclusion exists where individuals have access to appropriate and affordable financial services and products – the key services and products are a transaction account, general insurance and a moderate amount of credit. CSI UNSW 2011  Being financially included is a first step towards financial wellbeing. Financial inclusion efforts have typically been focused on delivering […]

What is financial wellbeing?

There are several definitions of financial wellbeing, but all have similar elements. All are based on extensive research, and have supporting tools available that can help individuals measure their own financial wellbeing, as well as help organisations measure the impact of their financial wellbeing initiatives. Financial wellbeing is the extent to which someone is able […]

Who benefits from FIAP?

Financial Inclusion Action Plans are not social programs aimed at providing direct support to people in need; instead, they represent a range of actions aimed at delivering systemic improvements to the financial wellbeing of many people across a range of sectors.  These commitments will, however, often include actions that directly impact people experiencing financial hardship […]

How do FIAPs benefit women?

At Good Shepherd, we aspire for all women, girls and families to be safe, strong and connected. We are committed to tackling the issues of our time which adversely affect them.  We are Australia’s oldest charity working to support women and girls experiencing abuse and disadvantage. We recognise that financial exclusion affects women disproportionally to […]