How FIAP Works

The Financial Inclusion Action Plan (FIAP) Program is a call to action – and we invite organisations from across all sectors to partner with us and play their part in promoting financial resilience and wellbeing in Australia.

What is a FIAP?

A FIAP (Financial Inclusion Action Plan) is an agreed strategy of practical actions that an organisation will undertake to improve financial inclusion in Australia. A FIAP provides an opportunity for these organisations to take real action to enable financial inclusion, resilience and wellbeing. Together with Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand, organisations are able to put together a series of measurable actions for their staff, customers, supply chain and community.

three person pointing the silver laptop computer

FIAP Members

Organisations who wish to develop a FIAP must first join as a FIAP member. This could be as part of the National FIAP program, or one of the place-based programs. Good Shepherd works with potential members and the FIAP Advisory Group to ensure that all organisations who join the program have a genuine commitment to improving financial wellbeing in Australia.

Click here for more information on FIAP membership and how to apply.

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Developing a FIAP

Good Shepherd staff work closely with member organisations to facilitate the development of action plans. This will typically involve a self-evaluation and a number of structured workshops to identify existing, planned, and potential activities. The actions are developed according to the FIAP Framework. FIAPs represent public commitments, so every plan must have the endorsement of the organisation’s executive team before being published.

Progress Verification

As part of the FIAP process, all actions must feature specific and measurable outputs, and intended outcomes. The outcomes are reviewed at the end of the FIAP period, with results made public to show an organisation’s progress towards its financial inclusion goals.

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The FIAP Community

FIAP member organisations join a community of like-minded organisations working towards financial inclusion. The Good Shepherd team facilitates quarterly Community of Practice meetings, and a range of other information sessions, to help them share learnings and communicate with each other.

We are here to help

Learn how to join FIAP and

Introduce FIAP to your organisation